*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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The 'Intrinsic' Meaning of Our Lives!

Greetings to you. It's been quite some time since I've been with you. However, it seems to me 'life as we know and understand it,' has become increasingly more difficult to 'safely manage. While we go-on, from day to day, we continue to have little 'containing' meaning of societal, and practical values of our history. How educationally, and politically famous do we think we should be? That's a question society (in general) will 'always' ask! As planetary geographics, astute astrological botanists, earthly archaeologists, and many chemists have now chronicled this: Man is an earth-bound animal. (Without wings) No different physiologically from any other known existent animal species (except for intelligence) on this planet. In fact, we are simply a conglomeration of 'Biological Organisms!' In search of a kingdom to rule!

One of the chief limitations in life is the color today of 'anyone's' skin! (Which may, or may not be 'analogous' to race, as many blacks are lighter in skin color than some whites) The development of science (in this area) has had a 'complete' lack of understanding in its historic accuracy of definition. Scientifically, there is 'no' actual white or black skin in skin color generation! (Regardless as to what's published, even by academia) This was/is a brilliant public (mind transformational aspect) and racist comparison 'lie! 'Historically, Man has allowed himself total sexual access to any 'encountered' female on this planet from day one. In the last 'six thousand' years, Man's 'Morphic Field Perception' of physical sexual satisfaction has incorporated *all* known human female species for possible impregnation! This action gives man, his reproductive worldly advantage. 'Everywhere!' (Man = All Dark, Brown, & Light Males & Females equally)

Species wide advantage has proven itself (from historical dominance) to be advantageous to the 'lighter vs the darker' skin toned individuals. (By choice) But historically, lighter vs darker incorporation has taken place to the extent that 'Man' is now 'genetically mixed' beyond chemical recognition! Both 'light and dark' are synonymous to almost certain female impregnation! One of the most 'mixed' people on this planet is the 'American Black People.' 90% of which is mixed with 'African, Asian, and or Caucasian' genetics. They are 'not' only African people! Genetically, they are a mixed people of various genetic bloods. (Medically) One can call this race 'Black' if it pleases their definition of race. But medically, they are mostly a 'mixed' race of people that take on various looks akin to the amounts of genetics they carry. About 55% of all Caucasians also carry 'some' African genetics. (Curly hair? Is among a big 'cover-up!') Most genetics will not physically show, until after a 10% maturity input.

Psychologically, one can attain (what is called 'whiteness') by conditional chance and racial projection. It is bestowed upon members of family by genetic inheritance and racial 'assumption!' By means other than just that of birth. But this assumption is not necessarily true on its own. Genetic lines are crossed every day. And many, suspecting racial integration (on behalf of questions in themselves) are completely 'racially intolerant, isolationist 'and join groups and anti/racial organizations to throw relationship infiltration 'guilt' away from themselves. This has always been a common integrationist practice. Racial integration has been 'falsely' used to 'elevate' oneself over any undesired racial match. (When possible)

Sexuality has long been misunderstood. It can be a 'devastating' part of life! Hormones promote chemical feelings of (at times) unwanted nearness and sexual contact. Sexual contact is indeed necessary but can be 'shunned' by uncooperative people. Self-control is operative, all throughout life. But this control comes at a price, and all cannot pay it. We have long lasting 'institutions' for these 'uncontrollable' type people. Many of us (if not most) have gotten-away with some youthful 'indiscretions.' And 'childless' couples may also suffer from the inhumanity of the more fortunate couples. But we must always be aware of the rights and feelings of others. That may (at any time) change their minds about their choices of people and mates!

How did this integration come about? One important thing is this: 'Reproduction is far more important than racism or morality!' And the 'victor' retained the 'spoils.' And back then people were originally recognized as different in sexual performance, and many are still recognized as 'different' in performance today! This psychological difference was explicitly 'engineered' by racists and separatist's intent on diversifying the natural species (non-whites?) away from each other through sexual integration and rape. This separation has 'never,' and never will work! And here's why: Physiologically, 'Man' is an 'operative organism' in reproduction of the 'Homo Sapiens' as an entity species. No color, no race! And 'all' existing Men and Women are 'interchangeable!' in this relationship naturally! This is a biological proclivity produced by natural chemical hormones and adaptability indigenous only to the human species. Without surgery, these feelings cannot be easily compromised!

Such a biological preference is often obtainable (average ages 14-60) through hormone activity. Sexual reproduction is 'uncanny' to say the least. One produces hormones that are almost impossible to deal with passively. And generation after generation every group of humans has the same problems dealing with their 'incredible' power! There are two groups of human sexual hormones, led by 'Testosterone and Estrogen!' These two groups are almost impossible to deny. (Wet dreams?) And often lead to the same problem. An unwanted pregnancy! But some that 'watch' themselves constantly, however, tend to do well lifelong.

Our planetary system is adaptable to other psychic phenomena that also operates on us all. There are many atmospheric conditions that we encounter daily that we are not aware of and can't even see! For instance, we can see only 4.6% of visible universal images, sight invisible Neutrinos take up 0.4% of space, Dark Matter takes up another 23%, and Dark Energy (that we can't see, taste, feel, or hear) takes up the other 72% of our atmospheric space! 'You say, you don't believe that?' Well, if this 'conglomeration' were not true, our 'Gravity' alone would cause our entire world to collapse in-on itself! Killing us all in just minutes! That's how real this world's universe is to us! And it can subsequently mean 'Life or Death' to us all! There is still, much we don't know. These parts of life are still mysterious. But training continues.

"In transcribing this letter, I have 'not' been extremely 'scientific' in all renderings. Readability in this instance, is paramount for all!"

(But there is still much to learn about 'Racism and Human Separation' (besides blood) through the studies of 'The Human 'Connectome,' and The Medical 'Parietal' Complex systems) Hopefully, we will find an extensive reason for Human sexual 'rejection,' and its main contributors. Which (upon approval) I will report to you.

Aside from 'Scientific Advancement.' Any total enlightenment represents both the affirmation of the Scientific Method, and the formulation of our human rights. According to the most purely scientific authority, 'There seems to be 'no' God' in the classical monetary sense!' There is no transcendental, personal creator who exists objectively, and absolutely. The 'only' God or gods that could exist, must be 'at root' a human 'projection' rather than an independent reality. On the other hand, for the true 'spiritual' believer, (in the supernatural and ethereality) The 'True God' exists in how one lives and 'believes', in him! And that 'He is' a personal, and 'creative reality!' 'He,' (in his heaven) is subject to 'nothing,' in all his 'immense' creation!... "And May 'God' bless!"

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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